Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Automotive Lockout

Unlock vehicle with tennis ball Locksmith SalemMany people have been in that situation before, being locked out of your vehicle while you have to be somewhere just at that time. As a Salem locksmith company operating for many years, we came across many different ways customers have tried using in order to unlock their vehicle before calling us.

There is a myth that was going around for a while about unlocking a vehicle with a tennis ball. However, it seemed as the people who have tried it, failed. It appears that a hole would need to be made in the tennis ball which should be a little larger than the key hole size. Then, forcefully press the tennis ball on the key gap where the pressure supposedly will cause the lock to unlock.

Despite the fact that we have never seen this done effectively it would have the ability to work in the event that you have manual entryway locks, so if your vehicle does not have these types of locks or is utilizes a key fob remote than this next technique may work out better for you.

Salem Locksmith car lockoutAgain, these strategies have never been demonstrated to be successful yet it would hurt to try them. In the event that you get yourself locked out of your car yet have a relative or companion who has your extra keys obviously the principal believed is to have them come and drop them off. Well that might not always be practical, however, you can have them utilize your extra remote and point it into the mouth bit of their cell phone while you remain around one foot far from the vehicle pointing the ear piece of your cell phone at the vehicle in which case the vehicle supposedly will get unlocked.

As we previously mentioned, none of these "tricks" have ever proven to be successful despite the fact that they probably been tested by many people before. If you ever find yourself locked out of your vehicle and have what it takes to attempt these methods, we will welcome you to try. However, in case these methods would prove to not work, you are welcome to call a professional locksmith in Salem!

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