Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kwikset Kevo Deadbolt

Salem locksmith Kevo deadbolt
Locks have been around and continue to be as long as certain things and properties would need protection and security. Since the first lock that was invented, the lock industry took many turns as locks have evolved along with technology during the years. Nowadays, the online world has created a new demand. Customers want their homes to be more interactive. Moving into the technological age when it comes to security is inevitable.

With the beginning of a wide range of smart devices, different innovations can now be incorporated. Everything your home can now be controlled from anyplace and anytime. It is unquestionably an intriguing marvel, yet is it secure? In recent years, more and more smart locks have appeared in the market with no sign of slowing down or stopping. The following will show where this type of innovation started at and where it might be going, do we really have the need for these types of locks? What such locks can offer as an improvement over the traditional locks? And more!

Kwikset and Unikey have joined forces together to make the Kevo line of deadbolts. This deadbolt will replace the existing traditional deadbolt on your door without any modifications. A locksmith Salem will be able to assist you with the installation. The Kevo is a smart lock that uses smartkey cylinder technology from another line of Kwikset locks. The cylinder will be used for manual override in case there is a particular reason why the remote feature won't work. If you don't have a Smartphone or it is not with you for some reason, the Kevo can also be opened using a FOB. In order to unlock the Kevo, either your Smartphone or the FOB has to be within close range with the lock as it works using Bluetooth technology. Aside from the manual key override feature, the Kevo comes equipped with a standard thumb-turn on the interior side. In addition, it allows you give access to other people through the Smartphone which normally will be limited for 24 hours.

Locksmith Salem Kwikset Kevo deadbolt
The Kevo deadbolt has the ability to recognize the location of the user whether if the user is inside or outside of the structure. Using such data will help the Kevo system to keep intruders from accessing the premises.  That way if your key is just on the opposite side of the entryway, an intruder won't have the capacity to gain access through the deadbolt and have it opened.

The Kevo also has an access history feature where it will notify you through the smartphone when it was accessed and by whom. In order to unlock the Kevo by tapping it, your Smartphone simply needs to be in your pocket. However, when it comes to the key fob option, the fob would need to be placed closer to the deadbolt itself. The system will also send you notifications to the phone regarding people who accessed your home and when the batteries are starting to run low.

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